[nycphp-talk] [PHP+Eclipse] Q: how to install PHP plug in for Eclipse?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Aug 29 15:10:49 EDT 2005

If you are on Windows (WAMP or XAMPP et al) there is an error in the 
wiki, so beware. It looks pretty obvious, but I didn't document the fix 
so I didn't update the wiki and can't provide step-by-step right now..

If you follow the instructions to edit php.ini and htppd.doc and the 
eclipse confi all is ok except in one place they have you specifically 
load a version-number-named php dll and later they specify  a generic 
php dll (which obviously doesn't exist so you get an error).

Again sorry for no positive specifics but at least with this quick reply 
you know there is a small issue.

-=john andrews

Jonathan |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>This is pretty basic, but may help you until some one get's you the slides:
>Howard NYC wrote:
>>Q: how to install PHP plug in for Eclipse?
>>As described in last week's face-to-face meeting (the slides for which 
>>I cannot find on NYPHP.ORG)

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