[nycphp-talk] OT: group mailing list providers?

Amol Hatwar amol at
Mon Dec 5 15:53:33 EST 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 15:03 -0500, Michael Southwell wrote:
> I have a client with about 200 members currently using Yahoo groups; 
> they want to move away from Yahoo.  Has anyone had any experience 
> with Google groups or MSN groups?

Hmmm... what are the features they *really* need? I really like Yahoo
Groups, over MSN and Google.

If you are talking plain mailing lists like this one, the GNU Mailman or
ezmlm is a great option.

For other stuff like community pages, photo sharing etc. you may already
have other stuff in PHP/Perl/Python. Or you could try rolling your own
code ;).



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