[nycphp-talk] virus scans and php

Alberto dos Santos yournway at
Wed Dec 7 13:38:46 EST 2005

It's not as straightforward as on linux, but it works.

On 07/12/05, csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
> On 12/7/05, aaron <aaron at> wrote:
> > I'm working on an Image Database where public users would submit images
> > through an html form then the images and related form info would be sent
> > to a private network. The info then goes to an Oracle db, and based on
> > the unique id's given to the records in the db I rename the images and
> > place in a temp folder.
> >
> > The issue of running some type of virus scan outside of php file checks
> > on the images came up in a meeting and I wasn't sure what to say.  Is
> > there some type of way a virus scan software can talk to php? Or another
> > way to handle virus scans and file uploads?
> >
> > We have win2k servers and PHP 4.3.1
> >
> > thanks,
> > Aaron D.
> Seems like you could pass to ClamAV for processing... except I don't
> know if that's Linux only.
> Then again, image handling libraries try very hard not to execute
> anything embedded in the image, so your only concern is someone
> downloading an infected image, changing the extension to .exe, and
> then double-clicking it.
> Seriously, if embedded viruses are a problem, we're all screwed. It's
> not irresponsible to say "not my job" in this case.
> --
> Chris Snyder
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Alberto dos Santos
Consultor em TI
IT Consultant
A internet à sua maneira.
The Internet your own way.
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