[nycphp-talk] PHP Coding Standards

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Fri Dec 9 15:20:41 EST 2005

I've heard of Beer Goggles, but Beer Notation is new to me.  Although I
have been know to try Jack Daniels Notation -- and it doesn't even have
to be late.

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Jeff Knight
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 2:43 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Coding Standards

If it doesn't follow a well recorded, defined list of types, it isn't
"Hungarian".  On one hand, I've often found it useful to distinguish
between parameters ($p_) and local vairables ($l_) in my functions and
methods, on the other hand, it kind of defeats the purpose of
auto-complete, since all your variable names begin with a small set of
notations. On some occasions I've even found it useful to go so far as
to add notation for keys ($k_) and values ($v_) in my longer loops, but
that is definitelly not "Hungarian". I can't really ever recall a time
where the type hinting character ever helped me out, but maybe
someday... That being said, type and scope hinting in a name can be
useful, and as far as I'm concerned are as much an indication of what a
thing is as some arbitrary label, in fact, it can often make your names
shorter and more to the point. For example compare taking an input array
of $p_aNames, looping through them as $v_sName and building some local
array for return in $l_aNames against using longer, studlyier names for
the "Name" to differentiate them, such as $NamesInput, $NameFromLoop,
$NamesOutput. Typically, on a project, I wait until it is late and I've
had a few beers to start naming things anyway, so anyone following my
example is probably in deep trouble.

On 12/9/05, csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
> On 12/9/05, Morgan Craft <morgan at> wrote:
> > What about Hungarian notation?  I had not heard of it till I 
> > recently started my new job.  I find the naming convention useful, 
> > especially when all our database fields have the corresponding 
> > notations.  I'm sure this coding standard could be used for other 
> > languages that do not require data types to be declared.  But is 
> > this something that should be included within the PHP coding 
> > standard?
> >
> > Hungarian Notation(wiki): 
> >
> >
> Gack! Not in my code, thanks. Names are names, not type declarations.
> But if you like it, more power to ya. I hope you're consistent, and 
> have a well-defined list of types in your coding standard so that 
> whatever poor bloke has to change the code in 5 years can figure out 
> what all the notations mean. 
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