[nycphp-talk] if statement expression evaluation question

Dan Cech dcech at
Sat Dec 10 16:51:41 EST 2005


Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> I have been looking through the PHP manual for a definitive answer
> regarding expression evaluation in an if statement, specifically
> regarding the following:
> $array = array('a' => 'alpha', 'b' => 'beta', 'c' => 'charlie');
> if (isset($array['d']) && ($array['d'] === 'delta'))
>   echo 'Its a wonderful life';
> This is ok, but the following will generate a parse error:
> if (($array['d'] === 'delta') && isset($array['d'])) 
> Obviously the first example doesn't evaluate the 2nd expression,
> eliminating the non-existent key parsing error. My question is, can I
> rely on this? Is the precedence and abortion of the balance of the if
> expression guaranteed in this and future releases of PHP?

This is known as 'short-circuit' evaluation, and AFAIK it is definitely 
reliable, because it is the most efficient way to evaluate the statement 
so there would be no reason to modify the behaviour.


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