[nycphp-talk] Propel/Creole/Qcodo vs. Upcoming Zend Framework

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Dec 13 20:27:26 EST 2005

Greetings ...

Im returning back from legacy Java hell and catching up on PHP5/ 
MySQL5 and have an ORM question ... was recently looking at a few  
options for an upcoming project and looked over some pretty cool  
stuff on until I ran into Qcodo which was also pretty cool/ 
slick, alot quicker w/ less XML bloat and setup, but then I caught  
the Zend webcast and trying to figure out if it might be worth it to  
hold off a tad bit till some "Z"APIs come out before setting all of  
this up.  (And if there is anything else recommended I should look at).


- Jon

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