[nycphp-talk] Java - It's So Nineties

Morgan Craft morgan at
Wed Dec 14 17:04:27 EST 2005

I've never thought java was anymore difficult than php.  In fact JAVA 
was the first programming language I learned in college in my 
introductory computer sciences courses before moving on to C.  I picked 
up PHP because it seemed like a simple and fast web development language 
that gave me the flexibility to communicate with MySQL and Flash 

And JAVA and Javascript are nothing alike.  Javascript was made by 
someone at Netscape, not Sun.  And it wasn't even called Javascript at 
first.  Bleh, I could go on and on about the difference but I have work 
to do.

I do enjoy the irony. Randal makes a jest about people not understanding 
the difference between Javascript/java and someone had to illustrate the 
point for us.  *bravo*

inforequest wrote:

>Randal Rust |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>>On 12/14/05, Morgan Craft <morgan at> wrote:
>>>JAVA was by far a better programming language.
>>The company that I work for is primarily a Java shop. The global HR
>>director sent out an email the other day regarding some new jobs that
>>were available. One of the requirements was something called JAVA
>>There are a lot of people, especially in the public sector
>>environment, who still think that Java is king, and couldn't tell you
>>the difference between Java and Javascript.
>>Randal Rust
>PHP is a scripting language. JAVA is a real language.
>JAVA is a serious professional language capable of enterprise 
>applications, not just web sites. It is too hard for most script 
>Therefore they also have JAVA SCRIPT, which is like a lightweight JAVA, 
>made for script coders (like PHP coders who have graduated to something 
>more serious, but aren't yet ready for the complexity of JAVA).
>-=john andrews
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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