[nycphp-talk] arg_separator

michael lists at
Mon Dec 19 18:30:34 EST 2005


I have a developemnt box running several sites.  I'm having difficulty
with one of them.  Some of the GET variables have legit ampersands in
them. I tried escaping them then rescaping them but got unexpected
results.  I changed all the separators in the urls to be &, but
that didn't seem to work for me either.

As per the PHP docs, the W3C recommends arg_separator to be ";" instead
of "&".  Ah, I thought, there is my answer.

I did some poking around and found arg_separator *should* be able to be
set on a per directory basis.  I didn't want to do it site wide because
that would entail changing every site I have on my development box AND
all the production servers upstream.  I just wanted to do it for this
one site (for now) So, I left the default in the php.ini and in the
apache vhost conf <Directory> I added 

php_admin_value arg_separator.input ;

But it does not seem to be picking that up.  I must be missing
something.. any ideas?



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