[nycphp-talk] OT: Freelance PHP gig Not Paying up!

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Thu Dec 22 00:16:39 EST 2005

Hey Gals and Guys,

I have noticed that there are alot of freelancers on the list and I am
looking for a little advice.  I have a client that is being a pain.  I
spent alot of time developing a site for them and it turned out very
nice in my opinion.  The client seemed very happy with the finished
product as well.

The client paid about 1/3 of the cost of the site up front and was
supposed to pay the balance on delivery.  I delivered the site months
ago and have not received further payment.  The site is still active
and it has been receiving alot of traffic.  They receive hundreds of
visits a day and many users submitting information.  Needless to say
they are doing business with the site and making a profit from it.

The owner of the site has not returned my many calls and emails over
the past two months.  I am trying to figure out how to get him to
acknowledge me and hopefully pay up!  I have a full time job as a
Java/PHP/.NET programmer so I don't do freelance often. This was the
only project I have done in years and it was as a favor to a friend. 
Now I regret doing it at all and feel that I was taken advantage of.

Any advice?

Tom O'Neill
tommyo at

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