[nycphp-talk] OT: Freelance PHP gig Not Paying up!

George Schlossnagle george at
Thu Dec 22 09:52:01 EST 2005

Thomas O'Neill wrote:

>Hey Gals and Guys,
>I have noticed that there are alot of freelancers on the list and I am
>looking for a little advice.  I have a client that is being a pain.  I
>spent alot of time developing a site for them and it turned out very
>nice in my opinion.  The client seemed very happy with the finished
>product as well.
>The client paid about 1/3 of the cost of the site up front and was
>supposed to pay the balance on delivery.  I delivered the site months
>ago and have not received further payment.  The site is still active
>and it has been receiving alot of traffic.  They receive hundreds of
>visits a day and many users submitting information.  Needless to say
>they are doing business with the site and making a profit from it.
>The owner of the site has not returned my many calls and emails over
>the past two months.  I am trying to figure out how to get him to
>acknowledge me and hopefully pay up!  I have a full time job as a
>Java/PHP/.NET programmer so I don't do freelance often. This was the
>only project I have done in years and it was as a favor to a friend. 
>Now I regret doing it at all and feel that I was taken advantage of.
>Any advice?
Sue him.  Depending on the amount, you may be able to do it in small 
claims court, where the process is extremely cheap, easy and does not 
require retaining professional counsel.


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