[nycphp-talk] OT: Freelance PHP gig Not Paying up!

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Thu Dec 22 23:22:33 EST 2005

Thank you everyone for the excellent responses. I think I will just
cut my losses.

I will continue to contact the client to attempt to collect the debt
but I will definitely not bother discontinuing service. Sounds like it
could turn out to be more of a headache then it's worth.  I did use a
ioncube's encoder on the php files so if the client wants any changes
outside of the things they can do with the custom CMS or changing the
smarty templates they will have to come to me.

I guess the lesson learned is to ask for periodic payments. And to not
deliver the final product with out payment.

I really appreciate all the advice.  Once again this list has proved
to be very, very valuable.

Thank you!


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