[nycphp-talk] [OT] number of files in a directory?

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Sat Dec 31 19:53:38 EST 2005

Hey all:

First of all:  Happy New Year!

Secondly: I am rebuilding a site that was coded somewhat sloppily, 
and they have product images all stored in one directory (a script 
that I am not writing auto-uploads them to the web server from 
elsewhere).  Presently, this directory contains about 33,000 files. 
It will be more like 75,000 when the site launches, if things remain 
the same.

The question is:  should I be worried about this, or was this only a 
problem several years ago? (I remember people at one time attempting 
to not put too many files in one place.)

If I should be worried, what could happen?  Will we ever reach a hard 
limit of files per directory?

Is it better if each product instead has its own directory inside 
there (i.e., 75,000 directories), each with as many files as we need 
inside, or is that just the same problem?


Marc Antony Vose

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-- Albert Einstein

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