[nycphp-talk] PHP 5 Throwing Exceptions in Constructors

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Feb 10 07:24:05 EST 2005

Ophir Prusak writes:

> I was dealing with this exact same dilemma on a project I'm 
> currently coding. We ending up going with Adam's option B: 
> move the code which can fail to outside the constructor.
> In the original design the you could create an object where 
> the constructor could read some information from a database.
> In the final design, we moved the database code to a new 
> load() function that executes the actual database call. This 
> does add an additional step, but having the constructor throw 
> an execution just messes things up.

"Factory methods are sometimes a more flexible way to instantiate 
a class than directly calling the constructor of the class, for 
the following reasons:

Unlike constructors, factory methods are not required to create a 
new object each time they are invoked...
from 'The Factory Design Pattern' by  Amit Goel 

In the article Amit goes on to point out that objects returned by a
"need not even exist at the time the factory method is written."

(the article draws on examples from the .NET Framework Class Library 
to explain the potential advantage of using a factory pattern) 

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'


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