[nycphp-talk] Re: Getting back to shopping carts [ WAS Re: Liability protection for consultants?]

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 11 19:09:55 EST 2005

Hey Faber!

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 14:46:58 -0500, Faber Fedor <faber at> wrote:
> Can you point me to these "filebases" that you speak of?  The ones I see
> look to be templates.

There are several projects available:

  * DocMan document manager (use software as documents)
  * Remository (file/software repository)

Those should get you started, or at least provide some inspiration ;-)

> Out of the box Mambo/phpshop looks to be overkill as well, so something
> simpler would seem to be in order.

That is my thought as well, you will spend a tremendous amount of time
trying to turn phpShop into something it was not intended for.

> Also, the CSS don't work very well under Linux/Firefox; MS/Firedox and
> MS/IE look okay.  I assume I'll need to redo the CSSes?

That is just the template, and I assume you mean SolarFlare, the
default that ships with 4.5.1 series. It is a very beautiful template,
but also a very, VERY temperamental one. Check out the following site
for a demo of hundreds of templates:

Find anything you like? Probably will find the template for download at:

Didn't like a single one? Then take the tutorial and do it yourself,
you will be amazed at how easily you can create a tempate for Mambo
(there is even a DreamWeaver extension for the html-source-impaired):

That might give you a better experience trying Mambo. BTW, we are
getting ready to announce a new family of sites to bring all this
information together, hoping to speed up both adoption and the
learning curve (yes, I will personally make sure API documentation is
very visible!).

-- Mitch, frantically preparing for LinuxWorld in Boston next week (eek!)

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