[nycphp-talk] newbie question/confusion

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Feb 23 00:38:50 EST 2005


On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 11:10:22PM -0500, Freeman, Joshua wrote:
> So, 'id' in the 'state' table is linked to the 'gardens' table via
> that table's 'state_id' field.

Good job on "normalizing" your database.  Suggestion: use the same column 
names in each table for the key:  state_id.  It makes things easier to 
join and is clearer.

> it on a web page, but, of course, I'm seeing the 'state_id' instead of
> either the 'state_abbreviation' or the 'state_name'.

Faber was on target.

My MySQL tutorial, while mainly geared toward how to install MySQL on 
Windows, also includes SQL syntax tips:

A later post mentioned your inquiry regarding inserting new gardens.  When 
accepting user input, make sure you carefully validate the information so 
it won't permit "SQL injection" attacks or other corruptions/errors.


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