[nycphp-talk] Setting up PHP 4 OOP to work in PHP 5 environment

Randal Rust rrust at
Thu Feb 24 09:14:50 EST 2005

csnyder wrote:

> Out of curiousity, why are you assigning by reference ( =& ) when
> creating the new objects?

i was under the impression that =& created a new instance of the object, 
and that was the proper way to do it.

> Is it because DB, Display, and Validator implement a singleton pattern?

unfortunately, i have no idea what 'singleton patter' means:)

i am merely a designer learning to move from procedural scripting to 
OOP. so all i know is that in order to access the properties and methods 
in the other classes, i had to use a constructor.

Randal Rust

R.Squared Communications
Digital Design for Bricks-and-Mortar Businesses

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