[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL on Windows SBS Box

Frank Wong frank_wong2 at
Fri Feb 25 19:06:56 EST 2005

Actually, if IIS on SBS behaves like IIS on XP Pro, it is easy to direct
port 80 to Apache instead of IIS.  The following steps will stop IIS from
grabbing port 80.

1) Goto IIS admin
2) Right click on 'Default Web Site'
3) Select 'Properties'
4) Under 'Web Site' tab, change 'TCP Port' to anything other than 80.
5) Hit Apply

or the other method is to goto Services and stop the 'IIS Admin' service
then set it to manual start.

Either of those ways will get IIS of your back.

Frank Wong

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at
[mailto:talk-bounces at]On Behalf Of John Nunez
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 6:14 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL on Windows SBS Box

Latched?!?!  Death Grip on port 80.

There are some hacks out there to allow Apache to handle port 80 but I
haven't done any of this for a while.

On Feb 25, 2005, at 4:20 PM, csnyder wrote:
> So then you'd have to use IIS, right? I'm guessing it's already
> latched onto port 80...

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