[nycphp-talk] combatting comment spam [was: user contributed notes on]

David Mintz dmintz at
Mon Jan 10 22:12:55 EST 2005

Hmm, this is so interesting I'm glad we brought it up (-: I see your point
about handing the keys to the kingdom over to a 3rd party (my words, not
yours, granted...) but OTOH it works (in my experience), and I don't have
to spend ~any~ time perusing blogs dedicated to which of the latest and
greatest anti-spam plugins works best.

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005, inforequest wrote:

> A central-signon authentication system like typekey is just a hurdle in
> the way of spammers, just like captchas, word games, pictures, and
> randomized forms. However, a central authority that cannot be trusted
> (such as typekey) is actually more dangerous,because it purports to be
> somehting blog publishers can "trust" and whenever there is trust there
> is a hack. (Typekey can't be trusted because it doesn't actually
> authenticate anyone.. it just acts as a middleman i.e. hurdle).
> Granted the only thing at risk here is your blog, but the point is why
> set up a trusted authority if you can't trust it? In other words, why
> pass off some control to a "central authority" when you went to blogging
> in order to be free of the centralized mamagement system for publishing?
> Back to Wordpress... it is cutting edge, so you will find plug ins for
> just about every approach to comment spam management, along with blogs
> chronicling how it did or di not work. Here's a page with links 15
> different approaches (tarpit, google redirector, latency management,
> blacklist, etc etc etc)[...]

David Mintz

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