[nycphp-talk] if you were teaching PHP...

Matthew Terenzio matt at
Tue Jan 18 16:58:41 EST 2005

On Jan 18, 2005, at 4:16 PM, inforequest wrote:

> Okay so let's be honest. How many real world applications have  
> actually been scaled up without a rewrite of the database? C'mon... a  
> show of hands would be nice.
> -=cynic

That may be true, but if you are really big on PL/pgSQL, for instance ,  
migration to MySQL is going to be a lot more than recreating the DB  
tables and deciding how best a Postgres boolean will be represented in  

In fact, unless great care is taken in representing data types alone,  
(I think Daniel has a Power point about this somewhere), it's going to  
be as much work recreating the DB as it is porting the PHP code.

here's the presentation I mentioned up there: 

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