[OT] Re: [nycphp-talk] [OT] mySql targeted by worm

Dan Horning dan at
Fri Jan 28 17:55:42 EST 2005

quick fix.....

are you in a domain controlled PC ... if so - your admin may have locked 
that setting out .... domain override - great feature...

otherwise who knows... send me your system info (version ... etc...) 
i'll see if i can dig anything up from MS!!!

inforequest wrote:

>BTW, on my workstation, the .cnf of my.cnf is hidden despite the fact
>that I ask windows explorer to show extensions. :-/
>New York PHP Talk
>yeah, isn't that helpful? Lucky for you, you don't trust Windows and are
>more than happy to ignore all that and open it anyway.
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>New York PHP Talk
>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

Dan Horning
Office - 1-800-863-3854 ext. 502

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