[nycphp-talk] pear package manager

Scott Mattocks scott at
Mon Jan 31 11:49:18 EST 2005

Mark Withington wrote:

> Thanks Dan.  One more quick question.  When I run pear config-get php_dir I
> get the following:
> c:\php10\pear
> and therefore all pear packages are loaded there via the package manager.
> I've got a feeling though, that I should be installing these in my web
> directory not my PHP directory - cause I'm getting errors when I try to
> reference these pear packages via an include or require statement.  Is my
> pear configuration correct or should I point it to another spot?

You shouldn't treat PEAR files any differently from other files that you 
would include in your script. Putting them in your web directory can be 
dangerous. I think there was a Phundamentals article about this.

You should just make sure that your include path is set properly and you 
shouldn't have any problems.

Scott Mattocks
scott at

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