[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Faber Fedor faber at
Sat Jul 2 01:04:05 EDT 2005

On 01/07/05 20:50 -0400, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> >So I think if you're somewhere like South Jersey you could potentially 
> >sell it as a benefit - "Sure, I can do the work for you onsite in 
> >Manhattan. My onsite rate is $75/hr. My offsite rate is $35/hr." Boy, not 
> >seeing you is going to look really attractive for all but the occasional 
> >meeting.
> If I could find part time work that paid $20/hour OR paid by the project 
> and the money was worth it, I would hop on it in a heart beat.  I love 
> working from home, especially on weekends, my house is a very comforatable 
> atmosphere ... AND, I do good work.  Where could I find this?

IME, "part time work" might be your problem.  If I'm going to pay
someone 50/80/100 USD per hour, I don't expect them to be "part time".
If I need your help *now*, I don't want to hear "I'll be over as soon as
I get off from my day job".  I, and my clients, pay for that kind of

As for paying "by project", it's all in how you approach them.  If you
say "I charge $X per hour and I can do Y" they will want to know how
long it takes you to do the project.  If you say "I can install Apache
for you (your website is extra) and it will costs $300" and they agree
to it, you just earned $300 to install an RPM.  One of my clients paid
$300 to have SpamAssassin installed.  Granted, the guy did a good job,
but I know it didn't take him $300/(15$/hour) = 20 hours to do it. It
didn't take the guy three hours to do it.

BTW, there *is* work in south Jersey. I've had a client near Eatontown for
years and I just picked up another one near there.  I can't pay the rent
on just those two but then I'm not located in south Jersey.

Faber Fedor
Linux New Jersey, Inc.

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