[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Faber Fedor faber at
Sat Jul 2 09:48:51 EDT 2005

On 02/07/05 01:56 -0400, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> The reason I say part time is because I have to pay my bills and need a 
> steady job.  

No, you don't need a steady job.  You need an income. I have bills to
pay and I don't have a steady job.  How do you think I pay them?  Right,
I have an income.

> Wow ... I think I install things at work all day long, its like a 
> repetitiveness for me ... mostly ports though :)  I just wish I could 
> market everything I do ... I can do anti spam solutions, LDAP solutions, 
> Webserver setup, configuration, custom PHP, database work, Mail server 
> setup, etc. etc .... so much, I just wish I knew how to get work for it.

Well for starters, advertise!  I just did several Google searches for, as
an example, 'BSD consultant "new jersey" south' and I never once saw
your name. 

> Well if you ever find anyone looking to hire for any kind of work related 
> to the above, let me know :) I have resume and references :)

Are you available during the day?

Faber Fedor
Linux New Jersey, Inc.

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