[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Faber Fedor faber at
Sat Jul 2 13:47:17 EDT 2005

On 02/07/05 12:10 -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On 7/2/05, Faber Fedor <faber at> wrote:
> > 
> > No argument there.  I just want to know what I have done wrong by
> > offering and retaining a person at $15 per hour.
> This is not directed personally toward you Faber, 

And it's not taken that way.

> but more a general ethical issue that I have. Begin rant ;-)
> If the going rate for something is $20, and you want one, and you have
> $20, then you should find a good one that is suitable to your purposes
> and pay the $20. If you automatically offer $rate - 20%, then you are
> cheap.

I think we differ in an assumption here.  To me, the "going rate" is
whatever I can negotiate.  To use the example of one of my clients, if I
offer to install SpamAssassin for $300 and the other person accepts,
that is the "going rate", at least for that client.  If I then farm out
the job to a vendor (say a college kid) willing to take $20/hour, then
that is the "going rate" for that vendor.  

If, at the end of the deal the client is happy and the vendor is happy,
that's the best of all possible worlds. If one or the other is not
happy, well, it's my job to make sure they are happy (assuming I ever
want to see either of them again ;-).

> And I don't mean cheap as in "getting a good deal", but cheap as in
> "screwing somebody and taking a selfish stance that ultimately lowers
> the quality of living on a gradual decline for all of us, even
> yourself".

But if every leaves happy, no one gets screwed. I don't see where it's
my responsibility to make sure that someone else (the vendor) handles
her finances properly.

> But when I do need something done, I look for someone with the right
> skills and expertise, and pay them a good price, absolutely fair
> market rate.

I pay them what they ask for.  My accountant and plumber charge
above-average market prices (especially in this area!).  I gladly pay
them what they ask because it's worth it to me (the value).  Could I get
a cheaper accountant/plumber?  Sure and in the past I have.  That's why
I now pay above-average rates.

> Any other approach just perpetuates the misconception that internet
> developers are cheap and disposable, and that hurts all of us. This
> attitude is why we get those dork posts in nyphp-jobs where they want
> someone with 8 years programming experience, 5 years project
> management experience, 7 years database experience, and oh by the way
> we can only afford $20/hr. Fuhgeddaboudit!

I agree with you.  *I* won't take those jobs either but if someone else
will do it for that price, more power to them.

> $cheaper != $better, and I openly detest the short-minded, selfish
> people that pollute the world with lousy food, garbage products, and
> refuse to pay for the value that they want.

They *are* paying for the value they want.  It's just not the same value
you want.

> Don't be a consumer, be a producer! :-)

Which is exactly why I work for myself. :-)

Faber Fedor
Linux New Jersey, Inc.

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