[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Faber Fedor faber at
Sat Jul 2 22:37:47 EDT 2005

On 02/07/05 16:32 -0400, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> Faber Fedor wrote:
> >I just want to know what I have done wrong by offering and
> >retaining a person at $15 per hour.
> I make it a point not to judge people, but this tactic and my own 
> personal values clash violently. I think the reason is made clear by 
> your defense - you can get away with it.

Look, I'm not forcing them to do it.  If they don't like what I have to
offer, guess what, they CAN go elsewhere.  If I can't find anyone to do
it at the price I'm offering, I have to raise my offer.  That how Adam's
Invisible Hand works.

> There are companies that get away with some pretty awful employment 
> practices ( - have they done 
> nothing wrong?

Oh, please!  Why don't you just call me a Nazi and get it over with.

> What you can get away with isn't a good measure of what is right.

I'm not ripping anybody off.  I am not forcing anyone to do anything
they don't want.  I am not the only game in town. I don't have that kind
of influence over another person.

A young fella recently contacted me and said he charges $25/hour and did
I have any work for him.  You're telling me that I am at fault if I take
him up on that?   

And for your information, I've never paid a subcontractor less than
$65/hour (does that rate meet your approval?) and I've told the young
fellow mentioned above that he's underpricing himself.

Faber Fedor
Linux New Jersey, Inc.

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