[nycphp-talk] PHP MYSQL Problems

atzeniantonello at atzeniantonello at
Thu Jul 7 13:40:58 EDT 2005

Hi Anirudh Zala,

As I told you I have problems with the folders FitAndFun and FitAndFun2 the
last one was redesigned by The site is:
server address is:
Login: fitand
Password: 22332233
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you

>-- Messaggio originale --
>From: "Anirudh Zala (Gmail)" <arzala at>
>To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP MYSQL Problems
>Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 09:57:02 +0530
>Reply-To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
>>From my investigation it seems that your php script is "exiting" before
>can output something back to server and then to browser. Your webserver
>working since request goes to proper place (as I can see icon logo in
>address bar).
>Further investigation tells that you have used <Directory> directive to
> website and your Document Root for
>website is SOME_WEBROOT/ FitAndFun2/ and here is problem. So please check
>that necessary pages exist there. I need to check "index.php" or similar
>file that loads first when this website is called.
>Then I called url like directly
>(list.php I just tried to check whether php support is there or not) and
>output like " No input file specified. " that means PHP support is there.
>now I am sure that your script "index.php" (or any other files that is being
>included in this script) has problem somewhere.
>Sometimes it happens that when you upgrade your original software by adding
>third party code, and you don't take care about necessary values &
>parameters like Host name, Db name, Password etc. then called script (that
>is part of third party) tends to Exit without further execution. For example
>in each php script we include "" to provide necessary variables
>about Db, Server, Userid Password etc. and there are most probably some
>of validation mechanism/functionality to check whether all critical values
>are available for each script or not, and once that mechanism/functionality
>fails there, it terminates whole script and output "some/no messages" about
>relevant error. So please check whether you have configured all parameters
>and values that are required to run your script successfully.
>Anirudh Zala
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <atzeniantonello at>
>To: <talk at>
>Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 1:19 AM
>Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP MYSQL Problems
>> Hi,
>> I Have two web site on one server I can see only one
>> I made a redesigne from and from then I cannot see the other
>> site ( they sed to me there is a problem with
>> but they cannot do anything to fix it. From my team support they don't
>> what append, so there is someone can please HELP ME!!! I will send all
>> information and posswords for the server, the site is a oscommerce
>> is my job I really need to fix the problem!! Please and sorry about my
>> Reardes.
>> Antonello Atzeni.
>> Fine del messaggio allegato
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