[nycphp-talk] php rpm for RH 7.3?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Jul 8 12:47:49 EDT 2005

On 7/8/05, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:
>  Still, I admit, it seems like most people prefer building from source,
> right gang?  And I'll probably end up going that way after all.

I detest it, as it negates the whole purpose of using a distribution
that has a package manager in the first place.

However, every time I try to build from SRPM (or try to make my own)
everything works just fine, until I do it with PHP.

Then I get slammed with a dependency for
libgilflapsnatwabble-0.1-alpha or some such nonsense, and I end up
turning a nice clean system into a frankenstein alpha bleeding edge
mystery machine just to build PHP as an RPM.

Ditto for debian, running source of PHP 5.0.4 on ubuntu because
working with the debs available was a complete disaster for me.

But no, I'm not bitter! ;-)

With packages, the dependencies for PHP force you to sit way behind
the current versions available, and from a security standpoint I
cannot do that on production machines. So I am forced to compile PHP
for each box.

-- Mitch, thinking about Gentoo (again!) LOL

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