[nycphp-talk] php install: "can't find mysql headers"

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Sat Jul 9 18:13:04 EDT 2005

Okay, I decided to go with a source install, and now I'm just confused.  
As I mentioned earlier I installed php 4.3.11 from source this morning 
without removing the existing php rpms, and I noticed that some things 
weren't working.  So I went back and removed those rpms and tried to 
rebuild again, but the problems don't go away.

The real problem I'm trying to solve is that apache (1.3) is 
consistently segfaulting on a few apparently randomly chosen calls.  
That is, I have a few links on my site that are garuanteed to cause a 
segmentation fault in apache, but it's seems oddly random why those 
links are broken and not any other.  So I thought, maybe it's an arcane 
php bug; upgrade to latest and then submit a bug-report if necessary.  
Even stranger, now that I've upgraded, I get the *same* behavior, but on 
*different* links (including any select operations with phpMyAdmin, but 
not update, insert, etc., and not selects in other php scripts...)

But my hope has been that, maybe, just maybe, there IS a bug in php's 
mysql support somewhere, and if I were to compile 
--with-mysql=/path/to/mysql-headers I might just be okay.  But that 
seems a no-go, too.

Using '--with-mysql=/usr/include/mysql' gets me the error 'Cannot find 
MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql'; same for 
'--with-mysql=/usr/lib/mysql'.  Those are the only two directories that 
rpm says contain files from the MySQL-devel package.  And 
/usr/include/mysql does contain mysql.h .

There are numerous discussions of this error message on the Web, but all 
the one's I've found seem to be either dead ends or just as 
trial-and-error as I am.

So, banging my head again, I ask the group: what the heck am I doing 
wrong? (Even the most obscure hint would be appreciated...)


Allen Shaw                                  ashaw at
IIFWP Data and                           914.631.1331 x.106
    IT Services              

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