[nycphp-talk] Sssllloooowww Query

harvey list at
Tue Jul 12 11:49:09 EDT 2005

It's not for the user, it's for the admin to select bands when he is 
entering a new show.

Believe it or not, they're all bands that have performed in NYC over the 
past few months.

And even the slow query only takes about 6 seconds to load.

But, yes, I am crazy.

At 10:48 AM 7/12/2005, you wrote:

>4000 bands in a drop down box, are you crazy?
>i would make the user choose a state or city then only show the relevant 
>ones to make your query faster.
>Joseph Crawford Jr.
>Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
><mailto:codebowl at>codebowl at
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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