[nycphp-talk] different sites, one database

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Jul 13 14:37:53 EDT 2005

Actually I will be joining Henry in waiting with bated breathe for the
answer to a question similar to this one. I have gotten what I thought was
screwy behavior when there were rows in mysql.user that had the same value
for user but different values for host. Connection from one host would
work but not the other, as thought the first matching row mysql encounters
were overshadowing the second.

Can you or can you not have two users 'foo', one of which has host 'host1'
and the other of which has 'host2' and have both be able to connect from
their respective hosts? (And I am talking about doing this through GRANT
statements rather than updating the user table directly).

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Henry Ponce wrote:

>  [...]
> But I can't connect from any other site to I checked user table in
> mysql database and there is a row that has:
> Host:
> User: chess_ac
> This will not let me connect to from another site right? no other
> sites have this. Can i delete that row, without affecting database access?
> There is another row:
> Host: localhost
> User: chess_ac
> I should leave only that?

David Mintz

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