[nycphp-talk] A question for mambo experts

Leila Lappin damovand at
Sat Jul 16 12:24:22 EDT 2005

Is there a relation between mambo modules and
components?  I haven’t been able to find any
information to make this clear to me.  The
documentation I’ve found so far all focus on how to
create them but nothing else.  I’ve also been looking
through mambo’s data model design and, as far as I can
see, there is a relation between mambo modules and
menus but nothing between modules and components. This
is important for me to understand because I am
thinking of re-implementing my website,, to work within a mambo
framework, if possible.  Any ideas and advice from
mambo experts in this regard would be very much

I like mambo, I think it has great potential to create
sophisticated websites with minimal effort. 

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