[nycphp-talk] darwinports

Jonathan hendler at
Sun Jul 31 10:21:51 EDT 2005

I was working in a mac environment and installed MAMP on some 
designers/developers machines.
But to install subversion and some other packages I used darwinports.

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>Yup, that was me. And as one of my partners is demanding that the rest
>of us get Powerbooks, I suppose I will find out soon enough which
>method makes the most sense ;-)
>Mitch Pirtle
>Mambo Core Developer
>On 7/30/05, michael <lists at> wrote:
>>At the last PHP meeting I was talking about Fink as a way to install
>>open source software on OSX.  The alternative, which slipped my mind,
>>was DarwinPorts:
>>I was uncomfortable with the way fink did things and was very pleased
>>with DarwinPorts.
>>Mitch, wasn't that you I was talking with?
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