[nycphp-talk] [OT] Consulting work

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Jun 3 11:01:04 EDT 2005

On 6/3/05, David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
> May I ask real dumb dilettante question? Thanks. How is it that a client
> can agree to an hourly rate without there being some kind of cap on it? If
> I say $75/hr and bill for 20 hrs, that's one thing; quite another if I
> bill for, say, 50.

There is the balancing act. If you push too high on the hourly rate,
the client will then push you to get the whole thing done in an hour

Ultimately, they will have say $20,000 to get a given project done,
and they will pay you the same amount in the end, either take your
time with a low rate, or bust your butt for a high one.

I avoid T&M (Time & Materials) projects for this very reason - they
already know how much they are going to spend, and are only looking to
get someone cheep.

-- Mitch

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