[nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Thu Jun 9 12:18:00 EDT 2005

PHP is one of Oracle 10g prefer sons  :-)

Plenty of Oracle/PHP info on

Nestor :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Armendariz <nyphp at>
Sent: Jun 8, 2005 8:38 PM
To: 'NYPHP Talk' <talk at>
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Anyone here ever pitch PHP to a Java house?


I have a fairly large client who's interest may be waning due to their
current Java setup.  They are listening, but not necessarily intently.  I've
been doing my reading, but my time is very short.  I'm finding a lot about
scalability, but for the most part, the articles are short and the
discussions are generally
my-language-can-kick-your-language's-ass-cuz-I-said-so, and
you're-all-children-use-C-or-perl.  I need to get off the playground and
actually prove to this client that php is a viable option.


Current site is running Struts, using customs Java for model and controller
and JSP for the view

F5 Labs Big IP load balancer

8 Machines running Apache 2 in worker MPM mode (which I've read that PHP
doesn't quite love)

Resin 2.1

Oracle 9i db


A good friend mentioned that he usually argues that the development time is
preferable with PHP. Anyone here have resources to share or a good general
direction to walk in with this argument?





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