[nycphp-talk] Pitching PHP to a Java House

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu Jun 9 17:33:36 EDT 2005

> Another thing that I didn't see mentioned is that there isn't much Java
> at the very top (nor Microsoft for that matter). Look at the big boys:
> Yahoo, Google, Amazon, TicketMaster, etc. They all use different
> languages and platforms, but there is some common DNA in their solutions.

To be far, internet giants can't be compared with other industries.  For example, the "enterprise" market, such as automotive, financial, and manufacturing, have a completely different take on technology than these internet behemoths.  The internet pillars are technical institutions, and have technically savvy people by the dozens.

The classic enterprise, however, have a very different view, and thus rely on the sealed-and-delivered solutions like Java.  But with backing from the blue-chips like IBM, PHP can integrate deep within these environments, thus reducing the do-it-yourself nature of open source, and providing the total solution non-technical enterprises expect.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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