[nycphp-talk] Timing out in php batch

Eric Gewirtz egewirtz at
Thu Jun 16 10:05:07 EDT 2005

Sorry for the second post - should have waited for the results and sent
everything all at once - 

We put 'echo php_sapi_name() . "\n";' at the top of the prodscript.php
script and it returned 'cli'

We will put the set_time_limit(0) in and see if this helps -
unfortunately the time out issues occurs randomly and of course when we
try to force it to happen by intentionally running a lot of processes at
one time, it does not fail :-(

Thanks again

Eric Gewirtz
Phone - 845-729-7800
Fax     - 845-279-5502
egewirtz at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: talk-bounces at
[mailto:talk-bounces at] On
>Behalf Of Daniel Convissor
>Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:23 AM
>To: NYPHP Talk
>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Timing out in php batch
>Hey Eric:
>On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 08:42:19PM -0400, Eric Gewirtz wrote:
>> and invoking mySQL msqlimport - I'm thinking that maybe the sever
>> conection to MySQL is timing out
>The error message you saw was definitely from PHP's max execution time.
>Are you sure you're running the script against the CLI build?  You may
>hitting the CGI build.  I saw you tested this with php -v, but put in
>    echo php_sapi_name() . "\n";
>    exit;
>at the top of your prodscript.php and see what it says.  Make sure you
>invoke this test of prodscript.php the same exact way you did when the
>timeout errors came up.  Out of curiosity, when you got the timeout
>how were you invoking prodscript.php?  Sometimes, different means of
>invocation result in a different version of PHP being used.
>Regardless, throwing in a call to set_time_limit(0) at the top of the
>script should solve the problem.
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