[nycphp-talk] PEAR::SOAP Google API Example

Corey Fogarty corey at
Thu Jun 16 11:18:12 EDT 2005

This is the error we are getting when trying to get Geoff Peters Google API
example to work... after you
type something in the Search Query box and hit Submit. The code to the
example is highlighted at the bottom of the page if that helps.

> An error #SOAP-ENV:Client occurred!
> Error: /search/beta2No Deserializer found to deserialize a
> 'urn:GoogleSearch:ns4:key' using encoding style
> ''.
> Attempt 0 failed.

I am not sure if I have all the classes required or if my path is correct is a get_declared_classes().
Below is a #pear config-show and a #pear list, not sure if any of this
helps... I wish I knew at least what to show folks in order for them to get
a grasp on my situation...

bash-2.02# pear config-show
PEAR executables directory     bin_dir         /usr/local/bin
PEAR documentation directory   doc_dir         /usr/local/lib/php/doc
PHP extension directory        ext_dir
PEAR directory                 php_dir         /usr/local/lib/php
PEAR Installer cache directory cache_dir       /tmp/pear/cache
PEAR data directory            data_dir        /usr/local/lib/php/data
PHP CLI/CGI binary             php_bin         /usr/local/bin/php
PEAR test directory            test_dir        /usr/local/lib/php/test
Cache TimeToLive               cache_ttl       3600
Preferred Package State        preferred_state beta
Unix file mask                 umask           22
Debug Log Level                verbose         1
HTTP Proxy Server Address      http_proxy      <not set>
PEAR server                    master_server
PEAR password (for             password        <not set>
Signature Handling Program     sig_bin         /usr/local/bin/gpg
Signature Key Directory        sig_keydir      /usr/local/etc/pearkeys
Signature Key Id               sig_keyid       <not set>
Package Signature Type         sig_type        gpg
PEAR username (for             username        <not set>
bash-2.02# pear list
Installed packages:
Package        Version  State
Archive_Tar    1.1      stable
Console_Getopt 1.0      stable
DB             1.5.0RC2 stable
HTTP           1.2.1    stable
HTTP_Request   1.2.4    stable
Mail           1.1.1    stable
Mail_Mime      1.3.0    stable
Net_DIME       0.3      beta
Net_SMTP       1.2.3    stable
Net_Socket     1.0.6    stable
Net_URL        1.0.14   stable
PEAR           1.3b3    beta
SOAP           0.9.1    beta
XML_Parser     1.0.1    stable
XML_RPC        1.0.4    stable
XML_Wddx       1.0.1    stable 
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