[nycphp-talk] One Login for multiple sites

John Nunez john at
Mon Jun 20 10:37:27 EDT 2005

We have a database where we store articles for a web site.  We have  
begun a project to allow another site's users to access our articles.  
I thought that best and easiest method would be to have the user  
click on a link to our database site and that link passes and  
encrypted string that contains the user's information.  Once our  
script receives the string it is de-crypted with a key and a session  
is started.  The problem I get is that the blowfish encryption is  
giving a different result than the one that is used on the ASP.NET  
server. Plus the encrypted text contains many unprintable  
characters.  How can I accomplish this so I can pass a value via a  
URL and it's compatible between different implementations of the  
encryption method.


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