[nycphp-talk] What does PHP use to find programs that are exec'ed?

Jayesh Sheth jay_nyphp at
Wed Jun 22 16:23:22 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I was wondering what the PHP 4 module of Apache uses to find programs
when using the exec() function. 
I am trying to use a script invoked through the Apache PHP 4 module to
exec() the CLI version of PHP.

For example http://localhost/test.php has:
$output = '';
$exec = '';
exec('php --help', $output, $exec);

I compiled PHP 4.3.x as an Apache module, but also seems to have
installed the CLI version in:

The above exec call from does work. 

However, I compiled PHP 5 with: '--disable-cgi' '--enable-cli' and
copied the PHP 5 binary to /usr/bin . When I change
http://localhost/test.php to be:

$output = '';
$exec = '';
exec('/usr/bin/php5_0 --help', $output, $exec);

no it does not work (no output is produced).

The phpinfo() function for the PHP 4 Apache module (through which exec()
requests are being passed) has the following info for Apache's
environment variables:
PATH    /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin

When as root I do:
echo $PATH 

I get:

Apache's user and group are both www-data.

So my question is:
what do I need to do to let the PHP 4 Apache module find a program so it
can exec() it?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

- Jay

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