[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] - .NET or Java

Sajith A at
Fri Jun 24 04:40:29 EDT 2005

>  I am looking at learning another language and i am not sure whether to
> learn .NET or JAVA.  My compay mostly deals with web development and i know
> java and .net both offer web capabilites.  I am also wanting to learn to
> write actual applications.  Which would you suggest, which books would you
> suggest and.... Why?
I'm coming from a php and java background and would prefer dotnet to
j2ee. Reasons being...

Development time is less for dotnet.
Visual studio
C# is not bad when compared to java

And yes.. i know this might be read by people who don't like MS
policies and platform dependencies etc ...these are my humble opinions
and i'm sure many of my friends might disagree..

It also seems like Ruby-on-rails is also good. It provides a sound
framework [where php is deficient] and ease of development like php---
but don't know how enterprises are responding to it

Sajith A

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