[nycphp-talk] PHPBeans I think

Matthew Terenzio matt at
Sat Jun 25 16:58:16 EDT 2005

All of sudden my mail client won't reply with only selected text. Then 
I accidentally deleted the original post. I can't blame some people for 
hating computers. . . anyway. . .PHPBeans. . .

Presumably, if you have a need for a distributed system, you want some 
scalable, reliable way to access remote information.

For instance, you need to get information from the accounting 
departments system before you approve this customer's transaction.

if it were a third party vendor, most likely they would expose this 
remote call as a web service(using SOAP etc), or maybe since Java has a 
lot of clout they might only support Enterprise Java Beans.

But I guess if you are doing it internally, you might say "I love PHP 
so much, I'm going to make this distributed transaction an end to end 
PHP deal."

With Enterprise Java Beans, you presumably get to write beans that run 
inside the EJB container and all you have to worry about is 
implementing the basics and the container will handle security, 
reliability and a mess of other things, so the developer doesn't have 
to worry about it.

Also, with EJB, you theoretically should be able to write a bean that 
works in any EJB compliant container, meaning you could move from 
vendor to vendor.

I can't say whether PHPBeans is successfully modeling this type of 
system, but it looks to be what they are after.

Matt Terenzio

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