[nycphp-talk] (OT) Job Posting..... Visual Basic and/or .Net Person needed.....Washington DC area

Fee, Patrick J (US SSA) patrick.fee at
Mon Jun 27 12:27:33 EDT 2005

Hey gang,

It's been a while since I posted as I'm settling in to my new position
as Group Manager of one of the IT Groups here BAE Systems in the
Performance Based Solutions (PBS) area.

I'm currently faced with a problem that is NOT directly code-related,
but someone out there may be able to help me none-the-less.  You folk
are one of the places I've always turned to help solve my technical
issues... so you were the first place I thought to bounce this current
dilemma off of.

I currently on the hook to find a Visual Basic Programmer with .NET
experience for one of our contracts.  I'm looking for a Visual Basic
person who is familiar with all facets of the software lifecycle and
could come up to speed quickly on a project that I am helping to staff.
The need is immediate.


You can find out some more information here:


Or call me at either of the numbers below.  I need to find someone
immediately, as this project is currently understaffed.  If you don't
feel you are the right one for this position, please let me know if you
are aware of anyone else who might have the necessary qualifications.

Thank you.  You may now return to your regularly scheduled NYPHP
programming issues......

Patrick J. Fee
IT Software Analysis Solutions Group Manager
13900 Connecticut Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20906-2919
Tel: (301) 231-1418
Cel: (240) 401-6820
Patrick.Fee at

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