[nycphp-talk] Request from Germany

Matt Morgan matt at
Tue Jun 28 11:25:20 EDT 2005

Reto M. Kiefer wrote:

> Hello Hans,
>> Well, this is a tough problem.  The original 64bit problem I had was
>> trying to get PHP to compile on a box (either Fedora or SuSE) that
>> had *only* 64 bit libs (/usr/lib64 and /lib64).  PHP 5's ./configure
>> had /lib and /usr/lib hardwired.  The only solution is to use PHP 5.1
>> (right now, beta 2).  Which version are you using?
> I tried with 5.0.4 and the latest snap from yesterday.
>> Mixing 32bit and 64bit libraries is asking for trouble.  Try version
>> 5.1 of PHP with the 64bit Oracle libs.  When compiling, you need to
>> supply --with-libdir=lib64
> Doosn't work too...
>> And an important gotcha:  if you have both 32bit and 64bit libraries
>> installed on a system, PHP will default to using the 32 bit libs
>> (/lib and /usr/lib), resulting in what's basically a 32bit build.
>> You need to use the new --with-libdir to force a 64bit build.
> That was new to me -- thanks.
>> And, this all of course assumes a 32/64 hybrid system (like Opteron)
>> and not something like Itanium.
> It is a dual XEON.. And SuSE installs a BiArch (43nit/64bit).

I'm way in over my head with most of this thread, but ... a XEON (dual 
or not) is a 32-bit machine. I thought. Could this be right?

[remainder of thread snipped]


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