[nycphp-talk] Seagull Framework

Jayesh Sheth jay_nyphp at
Wed Jun 29 10:08:54 EDT 2005

Hi all,

In light of last night's presentation by the IBM folks on PHP
frameworks, CMS'es and application integration, I thought I would
mention Seagull.

I tried out its latest version, and I was very, very impressed. Even
though it's billed as a framework, it comes out-of-the-box with an
awesome installer, sample data, and sample applications. It builds on a
lot of PEAR libraries, by extending and improving them. In many ways, it
is like a very, very well-written, easily-extensible version of

It is distinctly PHPish in flavor, without trying to be port of a Java
framework such as struts. But it really seems to work, and in the brief
moments I spent looking at the code, it seems well thought out, and well
written. I have not looked at it that deeply yet, but so far I am

I think this is the first PHP framework that I would actually use, and
actively recommend to others. It does not re-invent the wheel - instead
it builds on work others have done, and well.

Let me know what you all think.

- Jay

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