[nycphp-talk] Re: MySQL Case Study - Stanford Graduate School of Business (avail. at HBR Online)

Faber Fedor faber at
Tue Mar 1 13:46:30 EST 2005

On 01/03/05 12:26 -0500, Jayesh Sheth wrote:
> So, as developers, what do you think? Does MySQL meet your needs 
> sufficiently? 

For small cases of "sufficient".  MySQL is "good enough" and that's
important.  Most developers don't know or care about transactions,
stored procs, etc. because those things aren't "programming".  Hell,
most developers don't know how to do quality SQL.

Can you do the transactions in your code instead of on the database?
Sure.  And I can keep all of my accounting records on paper forms, but
why use archaic methods when you don't need to?

> Do you see it growing along with your needs? 

It will eventually get to be a real RDBMS and at some point, it will
read email as well.

> If you do not use MySQL, which database do you use and why? 

I like PostgreSQL but I want to play with Firebird because of what I
hear about it's transactional capabilities.


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