[nycphp-talk] Re: Safely running root commands

Faber Fedor faber at
Wed Mar 2 18:37:42 EST 2005

Okay, since you guys suggested I run my root commands from a daemon,
I've been playing with that for the past couple of days.  I stole^W
copied one of the perl daemons listed in "perldoc perlipc'
( and I used the sample
PHP client from the website manual

If I manually telnet to the daemon and give the commands "ls" and
"quit", the daemon responds with a dir listing and quits. When I try to
do the same thing via the PHP client, I get a dir listing and then it sits

I've made every modification I can think of and nothing makes the PHP
client work like the manual (telnet) client.  I Assume there is
something about sockets I don't grok, but every example I've seen of
this in different languages is what I have working manually.

What am I missing?


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