[nycphp-talk] Mbstring

csnyder chsnyder at
Sat Mar 12 10:40:28 EST 2005

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 15:30:04 -0500, Joshua S. Freeman <jfreeman at> wrote:
> Question:
> We recently upgraded PHP on an internal server to 5.0.3 and we're seeing
> some odd stuff with regards to strings.
> PhpSupport doesn't really mention anything useful.
> But phpMyAdmin throws this:
> The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte
> charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings
> correctly and it may result in unexpected results.

I'm not an expert on this, as PHP's native support for utf-8 has
always been enough for me.
But answers to the following might be helpful in troubleshooting:

Are you, in fact, using multibyte characters? What characterset?

Was your previous version of PHP compiled with mbstring enabled? Are
you using the same ini file?

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