[nycphp-talk] PHP on Win.: Get Drive Letter for Current Script

Dan Cech dcech at
Sun Mar 13 17:31:02 EST 2005

Jayesh Sheth wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Looking at my test script again, there is an important difference between
> getcwd() and __FILE__ that may be of interest of to others.
> The sample script is:
> <?php
> echo getcwd();
> echo "\n";
> echo __FILE__;
> ?>
> I invoked it with:
> cd c:\php4cli
> php-cli.exe c:\devel\php\getcwd.php
> And it outputted:
> c:\devel\php\getcwd.php
> So, perhaps getcwd() outputs where you currently are at the command line,
> but __FILE__ outputs the full path (including drive letter) to the
> currently running script.

Indeed, you are correct.  In a web environment they are usually the 
same, but from the command line or if you use the chdir() function in 
your scripts, getcwd could very easily be different.

I wish I could get down to some of the meetings to take up your offer!


> Best regards,
> - Jay

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