[nycphp-talk] QuickForm / PHP (Zend Engine) Bug - callback function never called

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Thu Mar 17 14:12:37 EST 2005

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your reply.

 >Yes.  A function has to be declared before you can use it.  Functions
 >declared normally (outside conditional statements) are declared when the
 >file is parsed.  Functions declared in conditional statements are 
 >during run time _when_ _execution_ _gets_ _to_ _them_.  So, you can solve
 >your issue by reordering your script to put the function declaration 
 >the is_callable() call.

I was not actively aware of this difference before. I tried a similar 
example in JavaScript, and it behaved the way you described it.
I guess this is pretty standard practice (in programming languages, that 
is), and I was not aware of the differences  between the parse order of 
functions declared inside of and outside of conditional blocks.

Normally this situation is less common, since I usually declare 
functions before I use them (include files that contain related 
functions at the top of the page), unless it's QuickForm, in which case 
I tend to do it this way.

Best Regards,

- Jay

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