[nycphp-talk] gentoo (vs) fedora

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Mar 18 13:25:30 EST 2005

Last semester I finished a CS course which used Python as the 
programming language of instruction (it always used to be C).  My 
impression of Python is that it is fairly similar to PHP in a number of 

Don't have to declare variables and types before using.
Can program procedural or object-oriented style.

My experience is that it was a pretty approachable language, certainly 
not as strict as Java.


On Mar 18, 2005, at 1:14 PM, Peter Lehrer wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know if anyone has experience with Gentoo and how it
> stacks up against other linux distributions, especially Fedora.
> Also, does anyone have any experience with skunkweb
> ( and/or python and postgres, and care to share
> their experiences with them?  What kind of learning curve is needed for
> python, for instance?
> Regards,
> Peter

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